

Legal discrimination in Iraq

The law treats women and girls as second-class citizens, especially ...

Social justice for women

Social justice is defined as the fair distribution of wealth, ...

Feminist Journalism

Feminist journalism is a type of journalism that focuses on ...

What is meant by cyber violence

It is harmful behavior towards others through electronic means such ...

The Deities of Mesopotamia

The first deities in Mesopotamia are closely associated with love ...

Relinquishment of Inheritance Violates HLP Rights for Women

The relinquishment of inheritance involves an agreement between heirs before ...

صاحبة الكتابات الخطرة

نوال السعداوي : إنها الطبيبة المصرية الرائدة والناشطة النسوية والكاتبة ...

نحو وعي نسوي

نحو معرفة نسوية نحو تضامن نسوي لا يزال الكثير من ...

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