Tag Archives: human rights

Women and Climate Change

Climate change has many impacts, but women often face unique and disproportionate challenges. These impacts vary regarding health and well-being, economy, society, safety, and access to resources, not to mention the violence associated with rising temperatures. This affects women’s lives on multiple levels, such as early marriage, education, and women’s …

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Feminization of Migration

The term “feminization of migration” has been proposed in the context of international migration since the late 20th century. It refers to the high proportion of women migrating to high-income countries, where their work is concentrated in care and domestic work. The United Nations used the term “feminization of migration” …

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Women with disabilities

women with disabilities

Women with disabilities suffer from compounded levels of discrimination. Although they share the same obstacles as other women, they face additional difficulties exercising their rights due to environmental, social, and legal barriers. Among these barriers are limited opportunities in education, employment, and hiring Physical, sexual, and psychological violence, which can …

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Early Marriage

The United Nations defines early marriage as any marriage contract in which one or both parties have not reached the age of 18. This type of marriage is considered forced, as neither party or both have personally expressed their full and free consent to the marriage. Child marriage is considered …

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